Ho'pe all is well! I am here to announce the OCTOBER IMPORT WINDOW OPENING!! It opened yesterday-1st of October and will close on the 7th of October-Please read THIS PAGE for more details. Today I also collected the products for the September window (Nigerian customs office was on strike for 2 weeks causing delays on clearance of goods) but thank God the products are finally out!!
Ladies who placed orders during the window, expect your hair goodies any day from now because I will be sending them out from tomorrow!! Thanks again for the patronage!
Some of these products will be stocked on the SHOP NHCG page but they will be mostly what's left after the NHCG SALON DAY OUT  so if you want your hands on these products then come on out this Saturday on the 5th of October and get your hands on them!! Plus I'd love to meet you my dear readers in person!!!
 Fadekemi mailed me about a challenge she wanted to undergo- THE GREEN HOUSE EFFECT CHALLENGE.
For those who do not know what the Green House Effect is all about; Basically it entails wearing a shower cap over your hair while you sleep, the purpose is to create steam and in turn condition your hair from root to tips, its a more intense form of the BAGGY method I talked about HERE.  
Now we know the basics, this is a summary of the mail she sent in;
Hello Dabs,

So I have been an active but quiet reader of your blog... I'm natural but love the tips and all you offer for hair. So here is the reason why i am writing, I have been reading a lot of other blogs too and wondering if this Green House Effect (ghe) and Inversion method of growing hair really works. People say they get about 3 to 4 times the normal growth rate of their hair when using this methods...
I understand that it wouldn't work for everyone but i just wonder if it will work for you. Sorry, I am not asking to you to be my guinea pig (lol...), as i will also give it a go from next week (Have braids on now), so we can be guinea pigs together...

So I decided she should spear head the challenge and I will post her progress on the blog and see if the claims about the green house effect are true! 
- Pre-poo with oil and conditioner for at least an thirty minutes, then detangle
- wash with a lower sulphate shampoo (Tressemme naturals)
- condition (allow it to sit for like 5 mins) and then rinse
lightly apply leave in and seal ends with my oil mix (castor oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil, rosemary essential oil and tree tea essential oil)

I will do the GHE method about three times a week at minimal, reporting the number of times I did it each week and my hair progress in the monthly updates to you.

I will also try the inversion method ''the inversion method for hair growth is simply turning your head upside down for up to four minutes for seven consecutive days, accompanied with a scalp massage using your favorite oil.'' I will do this yoga style. I will massage my scalp with only jojoba oil because it's closer to our hair's natural sebum and I don't want another oil distorting the rationale behind the GHE method. HOWEVER THIS IS NOT OUR FOCUS BECOS IF IT MAKES ME TOO DIZZY I WILL PUT A FULL STOP.

- It grows at an average rate of half an inch a month (give or take). 
- Last relaxer was June last year. Breakage, random trims and shedding should be consider. Makes my hair at about 6 inch for the short parts and 7 inch for longer parts
So this SUNDAY Fadekemi sent in her starting point pictures;
My front measured at 6 inch
My side at 6 inch too
My back measured at 6.4 inch
This challenge will be on till DECEMBER, If you want to join, all you need is a shower cap and your pillow to snooze on :)  Thanks again Fadekemi for reaching out, can't wait to see your results!
My next post will be a little more on the NHCG SALON DAY OUT!! Thanks for stopping by!
