Stretch with Dabs series-Week 8

How's everyone doing? Hope good, my heart goes out to the families of Dana aircrash victims, if you are a NHCG reader and were affected by the crash, here's a huge hug from me to you, the Lord comfort and keep you strong!

Now you all know I'm on an epic stretch for the next 8 weeks-A stretch I have never embarked on before so my plan is to take you all along with the Stretch with Dabs series!

Over the next 8 weeks, I will tell you how I managed my new growth that week, my regimen, products I used, what they did for my hair, the amount of hair I lost etc. I'm hoping that by chronicling this stretch I will help those who want to try stretching their relaxer treatments and it will be a reference for me when next I'm on a stretch.

Thanks to all the tips you ladies dropped on-this post (thanks again ladies), this past week, week 8 my hair survived.
On Saturday 25th-I deep conditioned with Silk Elements olive oil hair treatment and hair trigger,

 It went well, hair was soft and well conditioned. While it was damp, I decided to moisturize and seal and then smooth it into a pony tail and sleeked my hair down with ample amounts of pure aloe vera gel, left my hair sleeked back but not hard, braided the ends into four separate braids and tucked them under with a pin. At night I slept with a silk scarf firmly round my head and covered with a satin sleep cap.
Sunday 26th- my ponytail was still very much in place, I simply spritz my hair sparingly with my moisturizer mix and oiled my ends and rebraided them for church, topped off the style with a hair band. I found that putting my hair in a ponytail while it was still damp helped prevent the base of my ponytail from proofing up like it would have if I waited to hold it when my hair was completely dry.

Monday 27th to Tuesday 28th night, my hair stayed in the pony tail, I only spritz it and smooth out the base in the mornings but it started to itch, I'm guessing because it wasn't totally dry when I held it up, so that's the con of holding it together when it's still damp, also I could feel the buildup around my ponytail holder that meant that all the spritz plus oils and maybe sweat( not that I went to the gym or anything but still...) could cause breakage at that point if I didn't carefully take out the ponytail holder which remained damp so I decided to prepoo after carefully taking down my hair with just Hair Trigger...

Next morning Wednesday 29th, I rinsed out the hair trigger and used some Roux PC for porosity control and that's all I had time for because it was a public holiday and frying Chin Chin was on my mind :)
See all the hair I lost, quite a lot even with all my careful detangling;
 I am attributing it to the fact that I didn't condition my hair, my hair loves conditioning when the new growth steps in...
I waited for my hair to get dry this time after moisturizing and sealing with Optimum care Amla Legend night wrap creme and their billion potion oil,


 I flat twisted the back in a few rows and braided the front section into 1 big braid to the front and tucked it away to the side;
 That's why I like big braids, they look complicated but are easy peasy and don't stress your hair out!

The hairstyle lasted till Friday, all I did was spritz and smooth out the base and rebraid the big braid in front.

By Saturday 1st of June I was bent on avoiding all the shedding that happened on Wednesday so out came my palm oil, I mixed it with few drops of Amla billion potion and the olive oil deep moisturizing treatment by Silk Elements and used hair trigger on my ends;

 Decided to mix the treatment and palm oil rather than use the palm oil separetely like last time and it actually helped prevent the palm oil from dripping and spilling all over, the conditioner soaked it all up like cotton wool, so here's an alternative way to apply palm oil to your hair. Had that in my hair for a few hours and washed it out with Giovanni tea tree invigorating shampoo which I am presently loving;

When I was sure the palm oil smell was out of my hair, I rinsed off with Roux PC again for porosity control.

The result from this treat was shocking! My hair was really really moisturized, like no joke! See how much hair I lost!

MY HAIR LOVES PALM OIL!! Moisturized and sealed, air dried, when my hair was fully dry, I sectioned my hair, used the Aphogee Keratin green tea spray on each section;
 Made a few braids in front and French braided the rest of my hair to the back;

 Will have this style on my hair till wednesday if I feel up to it I'll change it up then but we'll see!

So that's that for week 8 of the stretch with Dabs series, hopefully the following weeks will be easy on me!! As long as the moisture/protein balance is tops and I keep my hands out of my hair I should be good * fingers crossed*

In other news, the 2nd batch of SHOP NHCG goodies got picked up today!

My Darcys botanical products also arrived with this batch just in time for my stretch! I got the famous Lemongrass transitioning creme and their Pina colada leave in conditioner;
 Don't worry that's all I got for myself-strategic product junkie *wink*
Ladies who ordered, I'll be sending mails to your email boxes for delivery details so please respond on time because home girl has a trip to go on very soon and would hate to hold up your order till I'm back.

As usual, thanks for stopping by! Just before I go, HOW DID I DO FOR MY 8TH WEEK STRETCH? Transitioners, Stretchers, people dealing with different textures please share your tips below, thanks in advance!!
