Scissors Happy Dab's Hair Update!

Hiya, Like a naughty school kid, I have come to report myself to you guys*head bowed* It all started when I noticed that the very left part of my nape hair was shorter than the rest of my hair, it was just 10 inches long as at this May whereas the rest of my hair was about 15inches long, it started to bug me! Truth is, my nape hair was non existent when I started my hair journey in 2010. I had mistakenly cut it at the roots a year before while I took out a weave and it had remained short that's why I started using canesten cream.

Remember this picture from last year showing my nape hair as I talked about using canesten;

So I knew that the day would come when that part will be long enough and I'd have to get everything leveled out because that's just me, from the back you would never notice how short that hair was;

But when I put my hair to the sides, I could see it;

My dilemma was, should I wait for the hair to catch up and level out? But I had to be real with myself, the hair would never catch up because the longer part will keep getting I decided to cut 3inches off to give it a shot at catching up and level out my hair on all sides; this time around, making the decision was not as hard as in the past and I think it's because of the NHCG 6inches of growth challenge. I have never tracked my growth the way I have in this challenge and knowing that I could retain 2inches from Jan till now (just above 7inches to 9inches); Makes me confident that in just a few months I'll get my 2inches back but this time it will be on all sides finally!

So I picked my hair shears up and positioned for cutting;

And then I cut!! My hair now- the only bummer is that I am definitely not getting 6inches at the end of the year :( may be early next year- healthy shorter ends trumps lengthy stringey ends any day in my books;

I am 8weeks post relaxer this week and normally I should be gearing up for a relaxer treatment by the end of the week but not this time! I am going on the LONGEST STRETCH I have ever embarked on.....I will be waiting another 8weeks making that 16 weeks!!! The thought scares longest stretch till date has been 13 weeks and my motivation was my wedding, this time I have another strong motivation but I'll keep it to myself till then :). Luckily there are no weddings, special occasions on my calendar that would tempt me to want 'em edges sleek!

  I'll take you all along with me as I stretch....stretching forces you to get to know your hair better, if you can successfully stretch your hair without any set backs, you will retain length like never before and your ends will be stronger because you will not overlap your relaxed hair when you are relaxing your roots like often inevitably happens when you just have an inch of new growth ! At the end of my stretch I hope to be back to where I was so help me God!

In other news, ladies that ordered for hair goodies last month, the first batch of goodies are HERE!!

My little helper on duty :)

I will be sorting out the orders and sending them out from this week, please be patient with me ladies as I have a lot of orders to sort through. Thanks so much for the patronage! Sadly the IMPORT WINDOWS ARE CLOSED TILL SUMMER IS OVER, I will make an announcement when they re-open!!! Thanks for all the support *HUGS*

Now back to this post, any of you stretched a relaxer treatment before? How long has been your longest stretch and how did you fair?

Please Comment below and share tips if you've got any, Lord knows I need all the tips I can get :)

