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So I was reading Linda Ikeji's blog today and stumbled on this post-READ HERE
The title was intriguing and the post itself even more so...the writer in summary was discouraging Naija ladies from wearing Indian hair extensions based on two experiences. One was an experience her sister in law had where she was complaining that her life was basically upside down lately and the writer prayed with her and the spirit revealed that it was because of the weave on her sister in laws head, the sister in law went ahead to take it off and burn it and things went back to normal.
The second more personal experience was when she bought Indian hair later on and had a spooky dream of being chased and plenty other scary things that happened...read the post for the full gist.
Now what do I think of this post? I believe it! Call me superstitious, call me a skeptic but I personally believe in dreams and God's ability to use them to reveal what we cannot see in the physical. I also watched the Chris Rock's documentary on ''Good Hair" and saw the part where the Indian ladies shaved off their hair as a sacrifice to their gods and it struck a chord in me... First thing I thought when I saw it was so the hair these ladies have offered to their gods is what we have sewn in our heads without caring the source, the incantations or other ritualistic or symbolic things they would have done to the hair before they send it off to these hair extension makers...
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I felt my first Indian hair extension on a trip to Dubai in 2008 and was sold!! My mum and I cleared the shop but guess what I still have bundles of those extensions not because I didn't like them but because the excitement for me died down... I realized the hair was not what they had made it out to be! It shed like normal hair sheds, became limp and weighed down after applying oil sheen and worse of all was a major barrier between my fingers and my scalp so since then except for clip in extensions, I have no use for my Indian hair extensions...
But then this lady's story raises more of a general concern...it's one thing to complain about Indian hair extensions on a physical level and another thing all together to complain about it on a spiritual level. Is her dream or her sister in law's experience a peculiar family experience which they should keep to themselves as a warning for them or is it for every single lady who owns Indian hair? That's the dilemma...
You see many many years ago when I went to Uni, in my first year, every girl was wearing those colorful waist beads and I was told the beads helped enhance your shape so what did I do? I went out and got me somathat and tied them round my waist...that night while I slept I had a dream and in that dream I had huge heavy chains round my waist as I struggled to get them off I woke up...immediately my mind went to those beads and I cut them off never to wear them again no matter how in vogue they were, again in my 3rd year if I recall, my sister got a nose piercing and so we could look like the cool sisters I decided I'd get one too...after the ladies at the salon endured my screams while my nose was being pierced, few nights after-the day I decided I would take out the big earring they pierced my nose with and exchange with a cute small one with a pink stone, I had a dream and in that dream my nose ring fell out of my nose and I had a huge wound guess what? I wake in the morning and the nose ring is not on my nose...I never found it till today, luckily for me because I prayed the huge wound never happened.
So you see, to me these dreams are real but the thing I never did was to tell my friends to take out their waist beads because of my experience or my sister to takeout her nose ring...I told them the dream and left them to their convictions.
I strongly believe that everyone knows deep down when something is wrong...if her article in anyway convicts you then you might want to review your use of Indian hair however if you feel nothing then don't let anyone condemn you for using Indian extensions however as a Christian, I know that God is a jealous God and anything dedicated to another god should be off limits and is offensive to Him.
I have dragged you all through philosophy/theology class today!lol I couldnt resist :) But I'd really love to know what you all think about this topic?Are Indian hair extensions off limits because of its source?
All thoughts are welcome :)
hair extensions
linda ikeji