It's been a while! Your home girl has been ill!!!
It started as a mild headache last week and graduated to coughing, a sore throat, sneezing, a fever and major migraines!! Saw the doctor and she asked me if I'm on the computer a lot( didn't help that I had my iPad with me in her office, using it to while away time and squinting my eyes at the same time) when I responded in the affirmative she blamed my migraine on my constant use of the computer and made me promise to scale down my computer time in order for my migraines to stop. So for the past few days I have had to act like NHCG never existed and just returned urgent emails.
My headaches finally stopped on Sunday and though I still have a cold, I just had to come here to let you all know what's up because ordinarily I should have come here to announce that the IMPORT WINDOW FOR FEBRUARY is open and some of you that remembered have sent your orders in even though I am still getting around replying the emails... please understand my predicament; but if there are any others out there who have been waiting for my usual robust announcements of Import window openings and have refrained from sending in your orders because you did not hear anything, fret not, you can still place an order, I will extend the window to this weekend the 10th of this month.
Please help me out and be concise with your orders, let me guide you;
Simply check the shop NHCG page for products in stock, if what you want is available simply send me an email with the product name and the price listed there. I will send you an email with my bank details, upon payment confirmation I will send you the product.
If the product is unavailable and is an IMPORT, just state the name of the product(s), I will try and find it for you and send you the price, payment details and upon confirmation of payment, you should expect your product delivered to you latest at the end of the month but as you can see the products all came in 3weeks this time so give it time, these products are worth the wait.
The emails I discourage you my lovely readers from sending me so that horrible migraine doesn't attack me again from reading so much grammar are emails asking me to summarize ALL the over 100 posts I have put on this blog!! Or emails telling me to give you an answer to longer hair or telling me that you just don't know what to do, how did I get my hair this long!LOL I love receiving emails but these types of emails are what triggered my migraines because in my quest to answer them I find myself going to my archives, pulling up blog posts, copying, pasting, researching....ah ah, doing all the work for you after doing the actual work of blogging the information!
Please for ladies who are new to the whole hair journey thing or just don't know where to start, let me help you, instead of sending me a general email, just take your time to go through my blog post categories, I will try to make them even more concise so you simply click say Hair regimen for all my posts talking about how to build one, how tweak it to suit you etc or Hair products to see different product reviews and know what products I recommend... If after you have gone through the blog post categories you have specific issues with following through or questions pertaining to a post I have done then by all means feel free to email me about the issue or the question and I will gladly respond to your email. This will make life easy for everyone, emails will be responded to timely and I will not have migraine headaches.
In other news, I Hair triggered last weekend.
had them on last week, hair triggered and re did them on Sunday.
By the way, I totally forgot to announce THE WINNER of the SPRUSH! You ladies that guessed I was 28 and 29 broke my heart!!! Here I was thinking I have a baby face :( well the winner is WONDER for guessing right, I am 26 years old!!! Dear Wonder please send an email to me with your real name :) and address for delivery of the sprush I promised. Thanks to all who participated and wished me a happy birthday!
Till my next post,