Im still on about my product reviews and this post is focused on Hair Coloring! While there are a variety of products out there that can color your hair to whatever degree you like, you must know that the effects of these products differ. Some products may have more lasting effects on your hair than others, this post will guide you on making the decision with regards hair coloring.

There are different types of hair colors available in markets and beauty stores; there is the permanent hair color, semi permanent hair color and the temporary hair color.

The Permanent hair color uses hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to open the hair shaft and allow the hair dye to actually bond with the hair. It is the only sure way to lighten your hair but as the name implies, it is PERMANENT and the only way to get rid of it if ever you get tired, is to cut off the colored hair or allow it to grow out or dye your hair again with another permanent dye but even then the results will still be dependent on your already dyed hair. There are a lot of brands that make permanent 'at home' hair coloring kits and I have tried a few in my coloring days. The first permanent hair color I tried was a Garnier Hair Coloring kit in one of those light brown colors and guess what? My hair turned out ORANGE!! I have a picture but I refuse to put it up, its too embarrassing! I remember being stared at in Macys the day I got my hair colored with it; at first I thought it was out of admiration but then I noticed a few snickers behind my back and I knew I was being laughed at and for good reason, the color had washed out my hair line and there was no demarcation between my hair and my forehead, I was just an orange basket ball!!1ol

Needless to say, I never used that brand again, then I tried Dark and Lovely's version in Honey Blonde and I was sold!!

Just looking at this picture makes me want to color my hair sooo bad but I know I am not ready for the commitment just yet. Because as I said you will be stuck with the color you choose. I found that with this particular brand, the immediate effect of coloring my hair was that it was soft but do not get carried away by that softness because in a matter of days it became like straw but that was of course because I did not know about moisturizing and sealing my hair back then. I once used the Loreal Touch up  Hair Color kit but it didn't give me good enough results as the Dark and Lovely brand did. With Dark and Lovely, the color on the pack is the color you get and it actually lasts a long while without fading and the smell is not as pungent as some other hair dyes. It is definitely a recommendable permanent hair color.

Another permanent but natural hair color is HENNA.

Henna is derived from plants and while it can be used to color hair, the only color it produces is red. It will not give you Marilyn Monroe Blonde locks! The reddish/copperish tone remains on your hair until it grows out or fades but it cannot be totally reversed that it is why it is said to be permanent. It is also safer and more gentle on hair as are all natural products, so if you want to avoid the complications of  manufactured hair products, get some Henna and color your hair!

The second Category is Semi-Permanent Hair color which partially penetrates the hair and can survive few weeks of shampooing and YES I have tried some of this type of color too. You see, when my hair started breaking from all the permanent coloring I was doing to it, I decided that using a milder hair color might be better for my hair but I wanted to remain blondish! What I quickly realized from these semi permanent hair colors was that they do not have the ability to lift your hair shaft like the permanent colors do and therefore all claims that they can make you a blondie are BIG FAT LIES!! I tried the Clairol brand in light brown 

And to my utter dismay all the color was gone in about a week! It should have been called a temporary color jor, false advertising!!
The best Semi Permanent Hair Color I have used even though it's not exactly called a semi permanent dye is the Bigen brand.

 It claims to have no ammonia or hydrogen peroxide like most semi permanent colors BUT it must have a lil somthin' somthin' because that color lasted!! It did not make my hair as light as the permanent color would have but the hair color was noticeable and did last at least a month. So yes, I would recommend Bigen although you must follow the timing instructions oh, My mum used Bigen last summer on her hair, thought she could do some cooking for an hour while the color battled with the grey strands she was trying to get rid of, what ended up happening was devastating! Not only did she get rid of her greys, her entire strands of hair just kept falling out and guess what? she blamed ME for not reading the instructions to her!! MUMS!!

Anyways unto the last category I have come across; Temporary Hair Color. This type of hair color just sits on your hair strands and will wash off immediately it comes in contact with water or even sweat. I have used pretty good temporary hair colors, at a point all the girls in my family including my mum used the Lottabody Hair Color Mousse in Red until we stopped seeing it to buy, It was good! All you needed to do was simply apply the hair color mousse to your hair as you would ordinary hair mousse and style, I know other brands make such mousses but I have never bothered to try any. Now what I use is  the Fancifull Temporary Hair color in frivolous brown

and it works just like the mousse though it is not in mousse form. I simply pour a little in the palm of my hands and rub on my hair and style. That easy! What it does for my hair is give it a rich all round brown color on days I feel my hair color is lacking luster. I am in no way committed to it and can wash it out whenever I please, that's what I love about it! What I am bombed about is, I can never be a blondie with this type of color either *sob sob* but it is by far the safest way to get your hair colored with no strings attached as it is also extra mild on your hair.

I have come to the end of this post, hope I have helped anyone who was considering getting their hair colored have all the basic information they need. I focused only on coloring products in this post, I will go into adverse effects of coloring in the future but Ill leave you with this, if you want to color your hair but you do not have the energy to commit to constant moisturizing and sealing and conditioning treatments (which you should be doing if you are on a hair journey) then please forget about using a permanent hair color. The effect can be adverse and irreversible. Shikena!! Please drop a comment or ask a question if you have any below. Thanks for stopping by!

