Its the month of August already!!! And this month with this post I finally have the chance to let the cat outta the bag and answer the question above!! But before I do, I wanna ask how many of you suspected or guessed it? I know two NHCG readers kinda guessed it, one actually out rightly asked me...I am sure you are wondering what I am on about!!!
Well well, I am here to let you all know that on Friday the 2nd of August, the Lord blessed me and my family with another bouncing baby boy!!! I have been preggers all year long and that's why my face kept getting rounder and rounder and rounder!!lol
I found out I was preggers late last year and my excitement was off the roof, finally I will be having my GIRL!! Yes!! I started dreaming of how I will dress her, all the many hairstyles I will try on her, the cute clothes, hair accessories...oh my gosh, my head was spinning, it didn't help that this pregnancy felt so different from my first, I was dealing with more break outs, my hair was not filling out as quickly as last time(only till the last 2months did I notice a change), my skin was not as glowing...after reading that girls take your pretty away I was sure I was having a girl until....March came around and I decided to check what I was having on my trip to the US where I knew there would be accuracy and with all the confidence in the world, the ultra sound technician told me after checking-BOY!! I was like Huh!!!Almost told him to check again but didn't want him to feel insulted...and to top things up, a day before I had gone on a confident shopping spree for my little girl, I bought everything, shoes, socks and hair ruffles included!!
That day I went home deflated but after hours of reflecting on my behaviour I quickly ask God and the baby boy in my tummy for forgiveness and told him how much I loved him and couldn't wait to meet him and told God I trusted Him to give me my girl in His time and just to make my boy happy, I went out shopping the next day and got him cute little onesies!! Lol
Now he is here and I could not be more excited because he looks so much like his older brother when he was a baby and I cannot wait to see them grow up together while I get the chance to dress them up like twins!! *wide grin*
So now that the cat is out the bag, you know that with having a baby comes post partum shedding, last time I wrote this post on post partum shedding and how I planned to combat it and I will go by the same tips this time, my shedding for my first son started sometime between 3 to 4 months post partum and lasted for about a month and that was it, you never heard me complain about post partum shedding again, this time I am hoping that's the case...
I also set my hair up for a successful post partum experience because I made sure that during the pregnancy my hair was in top shape especially in the last months, ladies tend to be so overwhelmed from when they are like 7/8months pregnant that they just forget all about their hair either in braids or weaves or just packed up away from their faces; what happens when you do that is when you have the baby and the pregnancy hormones start to leave your body, your hair which you had abandoned for months will be in such a bad state that the shedding which should just take your hair back to its normal fullness will end up taking a toll on your hair and you will loose more hair than you should have! So believe it or not, few days before I was due in the hospital I hair triggered my hair overnight with oils, had my hair in a high ponytail ends tucked away through out my stay in the hospital and on Sunday when I got back from the hospital, I deep conditioned my hair with this new deep conditioner that came highly recommended by a NHCG reader;
Mixed Chicks deep conditioner and I loved it!! Fingers crossed I keep loving my hair post partum shedding and all! If you just had a baby and are loosing sleep over the shedding going on, don't! Keep taking care of it, the way you did while you were pregnant and the only hair you will loose is hair you are SUPPOSED to loose, your hair will simply go back to its normal healthy fullness :)
In other news, now that baby is here I can now be a bit definite about when SHOP NHCG will be back in business...I am looking at opening the September import window but having a pre-order arrangement of some sort before then...still sorting it out while I recover, will keep you all updated in subsequent posts!! Thanks for hanging here with me ladies!!Expect bigger and better from NHCG as the year concludes!!

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