Hip Hip Hurray to me!! Yesterday the 25th was my birthday!!!
I am so thankful to God for all the things He has done for me and how far He has brought me through the years, took some time to reflect on my life thus far and was so moved by the sheer love, patience and mercy He has had for me, indeed a life in Christ is very rewarding!!
Now to my 'hair life', I have been soooo busy lately, I have an entire page on my phone with blog topics that I am yet to tackle!! Different things have been tugging at my attention plus the fact that you wont believe this; but this homegirl has not been feeling her hair at all!!!
Well let me tell you why! Remember last month just before my son's birthday I got my hair relaxed and I told you all in the relaxer update that my hair did not process at all! Well it didn't process at all and I have been paying dearly for it!! So there is over processing with a relaxer when you allow the relaxer to literally fry your hair till its so bone straight it sticks to your scalp and then there's what happened to me last month and that's NON PROCESSING!! not under processing which is the case when a texlax is done properly, so I've have had to deal with new growth that never processed and new growth that is coming in and let me just say; no wonder I insist that being natural isn't for me at all!!
Just take a look at my hair at 6 weeks on MY BIRTHDAY!!(Yes I'm screaming)
I have mentioned countless times how I like my edges sleek for special occasions, so you can imagine how I struggled with the idea of my hair looking like this on my birthday. I seriously deliberated the idea of relaxing it but at 6weeks that would be a travesty!! What kind of example would I be setting for you guys!! So I reluctantly moisturized and sealed my hair, plastered as much olive oil gel as I could on my edges and remembered the perfect accessory that would take the attention off my dense new growth; I decided to don my hair chain(my sis recently got it for me weeks ago on her trip to Houston) my very funny friend called it a Hair Chandeliar! LOL
So for my birthday dinner with family, this is the look I came up with; I simply added two tracks of clip in extensions to the back of my hair, sleeked my edges down the best way I could, divided my hair with a center part then twisted the ends on both sides and tied the ends up in a bun. Finally to serve as the ultimate distraction and give me the BIRTHDAY GIRL look, I wore the hair chain!!
In the end my hair did not look as bad as I thought it would and I got quite a few compliments for the hair chain but definitely more stares! You better be bold and feel fierce to rock something like a hair chain that attracts such attention, don't think I can rock it on any old day! lol
This the view of my hair from the front while I cut my cake!!
In all, this experience taught me a few things; first I have to master texlaxing if I am going to keep doing it, last time was horrible, next time which will have to be on week 8 this time and it has to be better, I need to take out time to make sure all my new growth strands are properly coated with relaxer, I need to take my time to massage the relaxer on my new growth, I need to spend more time with my eyes on the my hair rather than on the clock like last time!
It also taught that I have finally learnt to pesevere and hold out!!lol Yes oh, You guys dont know how my hands were itching me to bring out a relaxer, in the past before I started my hair journey, I have relaxed my hair and colored it honey blonde and cut it with a nail scissors all on the same day because my hands were itching me to do something to my hair; see the picture;
So being able to control myself and ignore the new growth and find a way to make it work made me really realize how far I have come in my knowledge of what is good and what is bad for my hair, instant gratification in hair care is usually the road to hair loss and breakage, just let that be etched in your thought process and you will find yourself making the right decisions for your hair!!
Anyways, so that was how my birthday went, If you are feeling the hair chain and want somathat feel free to order when the next import window opens on the 1st of February!! Speaking of imports, spy all the hair goodies I brought in this month on my next post, up today!!
Soooo since it was my birthday, I have decided to give away a SPRUSH to a Naija reader(as long as you live in Naija or have an address here, you qualify), all you need to do to win is be the first to write in the comments section, how old I turned yesterday i.e my age!!
Anyways God keep us till my next birthday when my edges will be sleek and I wont need clip in's for nothing!!

Welcome to The NAIJA HAIR CAN GROW Website. Here we offer practical solutions to all types of hair issues. From scalp psoriasis, dandruff, receding hairline to hair breakage, hair styling challenges and lots more
- 6inches hair growth challenge 44
- Natural hair 15
- Protective styling 29
- hair care 57
- hair extensions 16
- hair products 44
- hair regimen 43
- hair styling 34
- hair update 46
- my weekend treats 24
- product reviews 38