Its the end of the month of July!! Wow how time flies!! For all the natural sistahs and wannabe naturals' I hope all the tips I put out there this month were worthwhile!!I had a blast putting up those posts and loved getting all your comments and reactions!! This post is just a recap to help sum up all the tips I have put out there since the beginning of this blog with regards starting a hair journey. It can be your one stop post for all of you with plans to start a hair journey not just for ladies going natural but for ladies with relaxed hair too.
The First thing I stressed was having a HAIR REGIMEN; You can check out my hair regimen post to know what a hair regimen is all about. The key to making it a hair regimen is CONSISTENCY, have a daily and weekend regimen, pick a day, pick a time and just go with it. Also watch out for results; take note of how your hair is reacting to your regimen and adjust what needs to be adjusted in it; for example if after a week of your regimen your hair still feels dry, then you know you need to condition and moisturize it more next week.
GET THE RIGHT PRODUCTS; I stressed that also in my Hair regimen post but let me also say that you don't need to use too much hair products especially when using the products on a daily basis, if you do, the products will weigh down your hair and make the hair limp looking (not a good look). Please use products in moderation!! For sealing with Olive oil, a simple dip into the bottle with a finger is enough!
GROWTH CHARTS; Have a growth chart, make a t-shirt or buy one that looks like the one below to help track your hair growth, if you can't be bothered to make or get a shirt, then you can simply take pictures of your hair every time you get a relaxer treatment. Its best to track your hair growth when your hair is straight but please do not forget to use a heat protectant when you straighten your hair. A growth chart will psychologically help you have goals for your hair and will make you expect to see results when ever you check and if you do not see results, it will spur you into action and make you work towards seeing results with your hair next time you check, just like an exam!!
GET TO KNOW YOUR HAIR; After all it is so close to you, do not treat it like a different entity all together, try and do things to it that you know it will tolerate and avoid things you know it cannot handle. Part of getting to know your hair entails;
Finding a good stylist that will treat your hair right; especially for those of you who cannot handle your own hair.
Not Following Trends; because Ghana Weaving looks good and is 'reigning' does not mean it is for everybody oh!! why will you put your hair through all that stress if you know your hair line will take a hit at the end. Don't dye your blonde like I did and then watch it fall out for the next 3months. Its just not worth it, Pick and choose which trends your hair can and cannot handle.
AVOID HEAT; as much as possible allow your hair to air dry rather than use a blow dryer. Hooded dryers are also better if you must use heat because of their even distribution of air. If you must use a blow dryer, use it with a diffuser to achieve the same effect as a hooded dryer and use it on a cool setting. With heat appliances like tongs and straighteners, keep usage to the minimum, and always use heat protection or oils( they serve the same purpose)
GET A TRIM OR HAIR CUT; when you need one. Check out my 'To trim or not to Trim Post' for more tips on this!!
Finally, STAY POSITIVE; do not give up on your hair, it can grow! If you need extra help from vitamins take them. Just know that growing your hair long and healthy takes effort.
A friend of mine told me recently that she heard someone say I am obsessed about hair...my reaction to such a statement is simple; That person does not know the meaning of obsession!! How is taking BASIC steps to growing my hair healthy and long and starting a blog to help others do the same an obsession!! Its not like this is ALL I do with my life or all that occupies my mind! Truly a person making such a statement must have given up on her own hair and doesn't know where to start! To such a person I say pause on your criticism and read my blog just once it might clear things up for you, growing hair is not mad science at all!!
Oh well, enough with my little rant, the month of AUGUST I am dedicating my posts to all things EXTENSIONS, I am talking; care for extensions of all types; braids, weaves etc, What not to do when getting extensions, exercising with extensions, the usual what's hot segment and so much more! So readers stay tuned and feel free to suggest more topics below for our EXTENSIONS MONTH! Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!
hair care

Welcome to The NAIJA HAIR CAN GROW Website. Here we offer practical solutions to all types of hair issues. From scalp psoriasis, dandruff, receding hairline to hair breakage, hair styling challenges and lots more
- 6inches hair growth challenge 44
- Natural hair 15
- Protective styling 29
- hair care 57
- hair extensions 16
- hair products 44
- hair regimen 43
- hair styling 34
- hair update 46
- my weekend treats 24
- product reviews 38