This post is just a quick relaxer update!! Below (grey vest)is a picture of my hair when I got it relaxed in June. Yesterday I got it relaxed after stretching for 9weeks, could have made it 10 but there's a family occasion this Saturday and I gasta have sleek edges, if you know what I mean!! LOL , So that's my hair now in August (green sweat shirt) after my relaxer, about 2inches longer I would say, good progress!! But Im noticing that the hair in my middle back is thinner than the rest of my hair, hmmm!! Need to work on that area asap!! Oh well, that's all for now, I would love to see your pictures too, take pics of your hair each time you get  relaxer and post it on  the naija hair can grow!! group on facebook, you need to join though, join now! can't wait to see your progress!! 
